

for Sports Professionals

Providing Content for Sports Officials, Coaches, and Athletes

Moderate Activities:
Walking Briskly
Bicycling (<10mi./hr.)
General Gardening
Water Aerobics
Tennis (doubles)

Vigorous Activities:
Walking Very Fast
Bicycling (>10mi./hr.)
Heavy Yard Work
Tennis (singles)
Positive Aspects:
Live longer
Feel better
Decrease depression
Sleep well at night
Move more easily
Stronger muscles/bones
Stay at a health weight
Meet new people
Enjoy yourself/have fun

Fitness, Health, & Mental Alertness

A successful referee or sportsperson should know,
“In particular, positioning is considered a key skill for officials in sports where there is interaction with the athletes" 
-MacMahon & Plessner, 2008.

"In basketball, for example, refereeing requires anticipation of the next play in order to move to an appropriate viewing position”
-MacMahon et al., 2009.

So knowing some key aspect(s) of the goal for a role in sports will assist with linking preparation with the objective.

For a any referee, positioning and anticipation are two aspects that are integral to successful completion of a referee’s game tasks.

RefereeWriter “Fitness” category:

...is a section that explains the physical demands on referees who are required to actively move efficiently back and forth within the playing confines.

The informative scholarly article by Vuckovic and Dezman (2001), “Results of Tracking a Referee’s Movements during a Basketball Match with Computer Sight,” provides statistical data about the specific task of physical effort during basketball competition.

The data, called “loading,” is defined as total physical effort exerted by a referee in the course of any given sporting competition.

Research-based studies have recorded factual outcomes such as distances, speeds, and match length to inform referees of the physical load they should expect as a precursor to planning a fitness regimen.

An assessment of physical demands on referees by Vuckovic and Dezman) shows that, in one half of play:

"… the referee walked and ran a distance of 3,225 meters in 35 minutes”  and that, the entire match lasted 1 hour 34 minutes.

60% was walking, 27% was slow running, 11.5% was fast running, and 2.5% was sprinting, while traversing the distance.

  This data shows how much effort one can expect to exert and how much fitness is required for a typical basketball official.